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Ayghir Aybalikh.

Ayghir Aybalikh

My current project, Överflyttning till fossilsnåla trafikslag – konkurrensytor idag och i framtiden, aims to contribute to the transition of freight transport from dominantly road transport to more energy-efficient modes of transport (such as rail, short-sea shipping, and intermodal transport) in Sweden. My research focuses on areas that expose competition between different modes of transport by identifying gaps and factors (competitive surfaces) that can be used to promote the competitiveness of these energy-efficient transport mode. I would also like to show some methodological tools that are useful for identifying those competitive surfaces between different modes of transport or in intermodal competition.


Triple F project: Överflyttning till fossilsnåla trafikslag – konkurrensytor idag och i framtiden (in Swedish)

Poster from October 2023 with the latest results


Contact and publications at University of Gothenburg